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Wedding Vows - How to write the Perfect One to Move your Guests

Wedding vows writing guide

Image by: Singapore Brides

Are you preparing for your big day and feeling pressured to write the perfect wedding vow? You're not alone. Many couples struggle to put their feelings into words, especially when they know their vows will be heard by all their loved ones. This article will guide you through the process of writing wedding vows that will not only express your love but also move your guests to tears.

From understanding the essence of wedding vows to providing templates and specific advice for both grooms and brides, we'll cover everything you need to know. Whether you're in Singapore or anywhere else, these tips will help you create personal, meaningful, and unforgettable vows.

Table of Contents

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Understanding Wedding Vows

Wedding vows are more than just words spoken during a ceremony. They are promises made between two people, declaring their love and commitment to each other in front of their closest friends and family. These vows serve as the foundation of your marriage, expressing your intentions, hopes, and dreams for your life together.

Traditionally, wedding vows followed a set script, often dictated by religious or cultural customs. However, modern couples are increasingly opting for personalised vows that reflect their unique relationship and individual personalities. Whether you choose traditional or personalised vows, the key is to make them sincere and meaningful to you and your partner.

Remember, your wedding vows are not just for your guests—they're primarily for you and your partner. They should resonate with your relationship and remind you of your commitment in the years to come.


Tips for Writing Perfect Wedding Vows

Crafting the perfect wedding vows can seem daunting, but with these tips, you'll be well on your way to writing vows that will touch hearts and create lasting memories:

  1. Start early: Don't leave writing your vows to the last minute. Give yourself plenty of time to reflect, write, and revise.

  2. Reflect on your relationship: Think about your journey together, including significant moments, challenges you've overcome, and what you love most about your partner.

  3. Be specific: Instead of general statements, include specific anecdotes or qualities that make your relationship unique.

  4. Include promises: Your vows should include promises for your future together. What do you commit to doing or being for your partner?

  5. Keep it concise: Aim for vows that are about 1-2 minutes long when spoken aloud.

  6. Practice reading aloud: This will help you refine your vows and feel more comfortable on the day.

  7. Be yourself: Use language that feels natural to you. Your vows should sound like you, not like a poet or a character from a rom-com.

  8. Coordinate with your partner: Decide together if you want to write your vows separately or follow a similar structure.

Remember, the most moving vows are those that come from the heart. Be genuine, and your words will surely touch not only your partner but also your guests.


Overcoming Writer's Block

Staring at a blank page? Don't worry, it's normal. Here are some tips to overcome writer's block:

  1. Free-writing: Set a timer for 10 minutes and write non-stop about your partner. Don't worry about perfect phrasing.

  2. Use prompts: Answer questions like "What's your favourite memory together?" or "When did you know they were 'the one'?"

  3. Start with lists: List your partner's qualities, your shared experiences, or your hopes for the future. Expand on these later.

  4. Recall conversations: Think about meaningful talks you've had. What did you say that could be vow material?

  5. Take inspiration breaks: Look at photos together or revisit special places to spark memories and emotions.

The first draft doesn't have to be perfect. The goal is to get your thoughts flowing.


Wedding Vows for Grooms

Wedding vows writing guide grooms

Grooms, if you're looking for inspiration for your wedding vows, here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Express your love: Start by telling your bride how much you love her and what she means to you.

  2. Recall your journey: Mention how you met, when you knew she was 'the one', or a challenge you've overcome together.

  3. Highlight her qualities: Speak about the qualities you admire in her and how they've impacted your life.

  4. Make promises: Commit to specific actions or behaviours that will strengthen your marriage.

  5. Look to the future: Share your dreams and aspirations for your life together.

Here's a brief example:

"Sarah, from the moment we met, you've brought light and laughter into my life. Your kindness, strength, and unwavering support have made me a better man. I promise to be your partner in all of life's adventures, to support your dreams as you've supported mine, and to love you more each day than I did the day before. I look forward to building a life filled with love, laughter, and endless cups of tea with you by my side."


Wedding Vows for Brides

Wedding vows writing guide brides

Brides, as you prepare to write your wedding vows, consider these suggestions:

  1. Share your feelings: Begin by expressing your love and what your partner means to you.

  2. Reflect on your relationship: Mention significant moments in your journey together or what drew you to him.

  3. Appreciate his qualities: Speak about the characteristics you admire in him and how they've influenced your life.

  4. Make heartfelt promises: Commit to actions or attitudes that will nurture your marriage.

  5. Paint a picture of your future: Share your hopes and dreams for your life together.

Here's a short example:

"David, you've been my best friend, my confidant, and my greatest support since the day we met. Your kindness, your humour, and your unwavering belief in me have made me a better person. I promise to stand by you through all of life's ups and downs, to be your biggest cheerleader, and to create a home filled with love and laughter. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, knowing that with you by my side, we can face anything."

Remember, these are just suggestions. The most crucial aspect of your vows is that they come from your heart and reflect your unique relationship.


Wedding Vows Templates

If you're struggling to structure your vows, here are a few templates to help you get started. Remember to personalise these with your own words and experiences:

Template 1: The Journey

  1. [Partner's name], our journey began [how you met/when].

  2. Since then, you've [ways they've impacted your life].

  3. I love you because [specific qualities].

  4. I promise to [3-4 specific promises].

  5. I look forward to [future plans/dreams].

Template 2: The Qualities

  1. [Partner's name], you are the most [adjective] person I know.

  2. Your [quality], [quality], and [quality] inspire me every day.

  3. You've taught me [lesson learned].

  4. I vow to [3-4 specific promises].

  5. With you, I know our future will be [description of your future together].

Template 3: The Anecdotal

  1. [Partner's name], I knew you were special when [specific moment or story].

  2. Since then, we've [shared experiences].

  3. You've been there for me [specific instance of support].

  4. I promise to [3-4 specific promises].

  5. I can't wait to [future plans/dreams].

It's important that you remember these templates are just starting points. Feel free to mix and match elements or create your own structure that feels authentic to you and your relationship.


Wedding Vows Dos and Don'ts

Quick reference guide for writing your vows:


  • Be genuine and speak from the heart

  • Include specific memories and qualities you love about your partner

  • Make promises for your future together

  • Keep it concise (aim for 1-2 minutes when spoken)

  • Practice reading your vows aloud before the big day


  • Wait until the last minute to write your vows

  • Include inside jokes that only you two will understand

  • Make promises you can't keep

  • Compare your relationship to others

  • Forget to say "I love you" or express your commitment

By following these dos and don'ts, you'll craft vows that are meaningful, heartfelt, and memorable. Trust your instincts and let your love guide your words – your sincerity will shine through and touch everyone present.


Cultural Considerations

Wedding vows writing guide multicultural

When writing your wedding vows, it's important to consider cultural aspects, especially if you're having a multicultural wedding or getting married in a country with specific traditions. Let's take Singapore as an example:

Wedding Vows in Singapore

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures, with influences from Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western traditions. When writing wedding vows for a Singaporean wedding:

  1. Respect traditions: If you're having a traditional ceremony, consult with elders or a cultural expert about appropriate vow content.

  2. Multilingual options: Consider incorporating phrases from different languages spoken in Singapore (e.g., English, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil) to honour your heritage.

  3. Family emphasis: In many Asian cultures, marriage is seen as a union of families, not just individuals. Consider acknowledging your families in your vows.

  4. Symbolism: Incorporate references to cultural symbols or customs that are meaningful to you and your families.

  5. Balancing modernity and tradition: Many Singaporean couples balance Western-style personalised vows with traditional cultural elements.

Remember, whether you're in Singapore or elsewhere, the most important thing is that your vows reflect your personal commitment while respecting your cultural background.

For couples from different cultural backgrounds, writing vows can be an opportunity to honour both traditions and create something uniquely yours. Don't hesitate to blend elements from both cultures in a way that feels authentic to your relationship.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long should wedding vows be?

Aim for 1-2 minutes when spoken aloud (about 150-250 words). Keep it concise but meaningful.

2. Should we write our vows together or separately?

It's personal preference. Writing separately adds surprise while writing together ensures a similar tone and length. Some couples discuss structure together but write content separately.

3. Is it okay to include humour in wedding vows?

Yes, if it reflects your relationship. Balance humour with sincerity. Ensure the overall tone respects the occasion's importance.

4. What if I'm too nervous to read my vows on the day?

Practice beforehand. Keep a written copy even if it is memorised. Remember, everyone's there to support you.

5. Do we need to memorise our vows?

No. Reading from cards is common. If memorising, keep a written copy as backup. Sincerity matters most, regardless of delivery method.



Writing wedding vows is a deeply personal journey. Whether you use a template or start from scratch, the key is to speak from your heart. Your vows should reflect your unique love story and the promises you make to each other.

Remember, sincerity matters most. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable and share your genuine feelings. As you prepare for your big day, reflect on your relationship and the future you want to build together.

Take a deep breath, let your love guide your words, and create vows that will not only move your guests but also serve as a beautiful reminder of your commitment for years to come.

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